About Our Church
A Faithful and Faith-Filled Community
Our roots go deep here at Bureau Township Community Church. Our first gathering as a community was in the winter of 1843-1844. When we look back at the long history of our church, the word ‘faithful’ comes to mind. The word of the Lord was faithfully pro-claimed from the very first gathering. Through the years people have faithfully responded to that word. The church has faithfully gathered together. It has also faithfully sent ministers to the ends of the earth. But more importantly today we affirm with Paul that “God is faithful” (1 Corinthians 1:9). We have seen God at work in our church. We have seen God remain faithful to His promises. We have seen God pour out his grace and mercy upon us. We have seen God answer impossible prayers. We have seen God save. His faithfulness is unmatched.
Our history points to how God has worked in our church, and is a testament to how we believe He will continue to work among us today. It does not matter where you are at in the journey, we have a place for you. We invite you to join us during our regular Sunday morning worship service which starts at 9 am.